Selected Best Wine - Summer 2018

by Andrew Chalk Andrew Chalk

2017 Saint Clair Family Estate

Sauvignon Blanc from Marlborough New Zealand

Average Price: $18.00

The diversity of the sub-regions within Marlborough, New Zealand has contributed extensively to the quality and many flavor profiles of the Kiwi sauvignon blanc. All great New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc is not the built the same way. A wide choice in Marlborough Vineyard sites, including the Wairau, Awatere and Ure Valleys allows Saint Clair to specialise its plantings by grape variety in the sub-regions that provide the most suitable terroir. Saint Clair has developed vineyards in different sites in Marlborough, including the Rapaura, Awatere, Waihopai and Omaka Valleys.

Real World Wine Description

Body Medium to Full
Acid Mouthwatering
Dryness Dry
Fruit Flavors Lime, Lemon and Apples
Secondary Herbs and Dried Apples
Texture Zingy
(S or P)* P

This Medium bodied, dry bright, zingy wine, has beautiful citrus, apple and herb flavors. It is ideal for quaffing on hot summer days or pairing with seafood dishes such as grilled fish or ceviche.

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Disclosure and procedures

*Some wines sent by vendor(s) at no cost to reviewer (indicated as Sample "S"). Others are purchased at retail. (Indicated as "P"). If a reseller is named after a price quote it is the one who, on, had the lowest price. Otherwise average pricing or winery pricing is used. Wines sent by vendors may not be reviewed and will not be returned.

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